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Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on July 25

來源:Ministry of National Defense 責任編輯:Chen Zhuo
2024-08-01 19:58:37

By Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, Deputy Director General of the Information Office of the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and Spokesperson for the MND

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), releases news at a regular press conference on the afternoon of July 25, 2024. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Zhang Zhicheng)

(The following English text of the press conference is for reference. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.)

Zhang Xiaogang: Friends from the media, good afternoon. Welcome to this month's regular press conference of the Ministry of National Defense.

I have four pieces of news at the top.

The first one.

The militaries of China, Tanzania and Mozambique will hold “Peace Unity-2024” joint exercise from late July to mid August. The subject of the exercise is joint counter-terrorism military operations, which will be conducted both on land and at sea. The joint exercise aims to enhancing the capabilities of participating troops in joint counter-terrorism operations, and deepening military mutual trust and practical cooperation. It will also be conducive for the three countries to jointly preserving regional peace and stability.

The second one.

At the invitation of the Ministry of Defense of Mongolia, a detachment sent by the PLA Army will participate in Khaan Quest-2024, a multinational peacekeeping exercise, in Mongolia in late July.

The third one.

According to relevant annual military engagement plans, at the invitation of the navies of Russia and Egypt, a PLAN task group comprising of PLANS Jiaozuo and PLANS Honghu will first visit the port of St. Petersburg in Russia to attend the celebrations for the 328th anniversary of the Russian navy, and then call the Alexandria port in Egypt from late July to mid August. Another PLAN task group comprising of PLANS Longhushan and PLANS Zhenghe will visit the port of Vladivostok in Russia to participate in similar celebrations in late July.

The fourth one.

The PLA Army Engineering University will provide demining courses for personnel from Cambodia and Laos respectively from July to September. The courses cover relevant policies, regulations and standards on international landmine issues, and focus on command, operations and management in humanitarian mine action. They introduce new technologies including minefield reconnaissance drones, explosive disposal robots and laser demining systems, and comprise knowledge learning, special skill training, training in simulated minefields and comprehensive exercise. The courses will enhance the capabilities of the two countries in responding to landmine-related incidents and the disposal of explosives left over from previous wars.

Question: I have two questions. Firstly, it’s reported that the RIMPAC-2024 exercise is taking place near Hawaii, and one of its subjects is sinking a 40,000-ton amphibious assault ship. Some analysts believe this is an act of muscle-flexing against China. Gen. Charles Brown, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently said he was “fully confident” that the US would win a war against China, should a conflict break out over Taiwan. Do you have any comment?

Secondly, the US military said on July 24 that it detected two Russian and two Chinese aircraft in the international airspace near Alaska. Can you confirm? In addition, the US Department of Defense (DOD) recently released its 2024 Arctic Strategy, in which strengthened cooperation between China and Russia in the Arctic region was played up. Is this China-Russia joint military operation targeting any third party?

Zhang Xiaogang: We have noted relevant reports. Intimidating China with military exercises or aggressive rhetoric will never work. The PLA will never be swayed by fallacies, deterred by intimidation or cowed by pressure. We have the resolve, capabilities and means to defeat all aggressors, and safeguard our national sovereignty, security and development interests.

On your second question, according to the China-Russia annual military engagement plan, the two sides organized a joint strategic air patrol in relevant airspace over the Bering Sea on July 25. It was the 8th joint air patrol conducted by the two militaries since 2019. It further tested and improved coordination between the two air forces, and deepened strategic mutual trust and substantive cooperation between the two militaries. This operation does not target any third party. It is in line with relevant international law and practices, and has nothing to do with the current international and regional situations.

Question: In its recently issued Washington Summit Declaration, NATO accused China of continuing to challenge NATO's interests, security and values, and "having become a decisive enabler of Russia's war against Ukraine". NATO Secretary General said that NATO was to engage more closely with Indo-Pacific countries and he supported more naval exercises between NATO Allies and their Indo-Pacific partners. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: In its Washington Summit Declaration, NATO spread belligerent rhetoric and made baseless accusations against China. It was full of lies and bias to slander China and incite confrontation. We are strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to such contents.

In recent years, NATO has extended its ominous reach into the Asia-Pacific region, with China as the imagined antagonist. It has induced a number of regional countries to follow its lead, provoked bloc confrontation and created division. NATO is, indeed, a "sower of wars and chaos". From Ukraine to Afghanistan, from Iraq to Libya, it has brought war and disaster to these regions and their people. History has taught us that division and confrontation would find no support, and belligerency and expansion would work its own ruins.

On the Ukraine issue, the Chinese side follows an objective and impartial position, and actively promotes peace talks, which has been widely recognized by the international community. In contrast, the US-led NATO Allies keep fueling the fire and profiteering from the war. NATO needs to reflect on itself, instead of deflecting blame onto China.

China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order. The Chinese military remains a staunch force for global and regional peace and stability. We urge NATO not to interfere in China's internal affairs, not to challenge our legitimate rights and interests, and not to smear China's domestic and foreign policies. Otherwise, it will only be hoisted by its own petard.

Question: It’s reported by Taiwan media that optronic masts, key components for Taiwan's first homemade submarine Narwhal, have arrived and are being tested at the moment. Narwhal is expected to begin sea trials this September. What's your comment, please?

Zhang Xiaogang: It would be suicidal for the DPP authorities to seek "Taiwan independence" by force. Making or buying more weapons and equipment is purely ornamental and just a waste of time and money. The Narwhal will be a "fish caught in the net" by the PLA sooner or later, should it be used for "Taiwan independence".

Question: It is reported that Defense Minister Dong Jun recently met with Brazilian Army Commander Tomas Ribeiro Paiva in Beijing. Please brief us more on the bilateral military relations between China and Brazil.

Zhang Xiaogang: Defense Minister Dong Jun met with Brazilian Army Commander Tomas Ribeiro Paiva at Bayi Building on July 8. The two sides exchanged views on state-to-state, military-to-military relations and issues of mutual interests. As the largest developing country and one of the important emerging economies in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres respectively, China and Brazil maintain close coordination in international and regional affairs, and have set a fine example for South-South cooperation.

Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, the two militaries continue to deepen cooperation and exchanges in high-level engagement, personnel training and other areas. This year marks the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. We stand ready to work with the Brazilian side to further strengthen cooperation in areas including international peacekeeping operations, joint exercises and training, multilateral coordination and military culture. The two sides will improve capabilities in jointly tackling challenges, bring more stability and reliability to the world, and add new dimensions to China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era.

Question: It’s reported that officers and soldiers of the PLA and the PAP had continued to fight on the frontline of flood control and disaster rescue operations in provinces and municipalities including Hunan, Chongqing, Sichuan, and Shaan Xi. Please provide more information about this.

Zhang Xiaogang: Recently, heavy rainfall hit multiple regions in China, leading to floods and mudslides and causing casualties and property losses. President Xi is very much concerned and has made important instructions on disaster rescue.

Military units at different levels resolutely implemented President Xi's important instructions and spared no effort in disaster rescue operations. As of July 24, the PLA, the PAP and the militia have all together deployed 92,000 service members and 84,000 militia personnel, and mobilized 7535 sets of vehicles, engineering equipment and 1989 boats. We have assisted in relocation of affected people, levee reinforcement, breach repair, search and rescue, and supply transportation, playing an important role in flood control and disaster rescue operations.

Question: It's reported that the on-going live-fire component of Han Kuang-40 exercise focused on unscripted and real combat drills. Templates of rules of engagement (ROE) cards were issued for the first time to improve the "legality and legitimacy" for the use of force by Taiwan's troops. In addition, the subjects of the drills included the delivery of supplies from overseas. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: The DPP authorities are using all possible means to disguise its separatist activities under the cover of "legality and legitimacy". Such action is just self-deceiving. The DPP authorities attempt to turn Taiwan into battlefields and use local residents as human shields, so as to seek "Taiwan independence" and resist reunification with force. Their attempt is completely futile and only leads to a dead end.

Question: Lai Ching-te, leader of the Taiwan region, recently claimed that "grey zone intrusions" by the Chinese mainland into the Taiwan Strait and its surrounding areas are increasing day by day. Taiwan's military authorities have recently added English broadcasts to warn off military aircraft of the Chinese mainland, and released information for the first time on test firing operations by the PLA Rocket Force and the activities of the China Coast Guard (CCG) vessels in areas around the island of Taiwan. The coast guard of the Taiwan region said that the CCG has increased operations in waters near the outlying islands of Kinmen and Matsu. Do you have any comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: The DPP authorities took these sensational actions to embolden themselves. The PLA will not be deterred by any reconnaissance or harassing in our operations. Our resolve and will is unwavering in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.

Question: It is reported that the PLAN Ark Peace hospital ship is carrying out Mission Harmony-2024, providing humanitarian medical services to countries it visited. Please update us on the mission.

Zhang Xiaogang: The PLAN Ark Peace hospital ship's Mission Harmony-2024 has taken it to Seychelles and Tanzania, and it is now heading for Madagascar. During Ark Peace's stay in Seychelles, the number of people receiving medical treatment reached nearly 1200 per day. When the ship departed, a local family of three came to say farewell in their own small boat. During Ark Peace’s anchorage in Tanzania, a baby weighing 6 jin (3 kg) was born on the ship, being the first "peace baby" for this year's mission.

Apart from providing free diagnoses and treatment to local people, the hospital ship also sent medical teams to local hospitals, communities and schools to provide medical services, and conduct academic exchanges and cultural activities. This mission is a vivid demonstration of the earnest efforts made by the PLAN to implement the Global Security Initiative and build a maritime community of shared future. It will also deepen the traditional friendship between China and relevant countries.

Question: Recently, the US Marine Corps published for the first time a doctrine titled Deception, a tactic used to deceive the enemy and create disinformation. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: America's deception operations are not limited to the military domain. In fact, deception is deep in its political culture, and it would lie about anything to get its own way. In fact, the US has long worthy of the name "empire of lies".

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of July 25, 2024. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Lyu Zhe)

From Operation Mockingbird which bribed and manipulated news media for propaganda purposes in the Cold War era, to a vial of white powder and a staged video of the "White Helmets", cited as evidence to wage wars in Iraq and Syria, to the "lie of the century" made up to smear China's policy in Xinjiang, and then to the disinformation campaign orchestrated to denigrate China’s vaccines in countries including the Philippines, the list goes on. The US is a habitual liar and rumor-monger, and this will only speed up the erosion of its credibility.

It needs to be pointed out that people may be deceived for a while - but not forever. The US side needs to immediately correct its wrongdoing, stop spreading disinformation, stop deluding people and vilifying other countries, and give a clear explanation to the international community on its strategy of "deception" at an early date.

Question: Recently, conflicts between Israel and Yemen as well as Lebanon are escalating. What's the view of the Chinese side on this?

Zhang Xiaogang: The Chinese side consistently believes that military means are not long-term solutions to problems. "Violence for violence" will only lead to a vicious spiral of conflicts. We call on relevant parties to stay calm, exercise restraint and achieve an early ceasefire to avoid further escalation of tensions.

Question: According to the Japanese government's latest analysis of China's military exercises conducted last year, the PLA has the capability to seize Taiwan within one week. The analysis says with joint operations, the PLA could land massive ground forces on Taiwan within a few days after imposing a maritime and air blockade around the island. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory. China will be and must be reunified. We will strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and utmost effort. However, should the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces make provocations or even cross our red lines, we will have to take decisive measures. We warn the DPP authorities that soliciting foreign support leads nowhere and resisting reunification by force is a dead end. The PLA will continue to enhance combat readiness and military training, take firm actions to safeguard our national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and preserve peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

Question: The third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee was recently concluded. It was stated in the Communique that modernizing national defense and the armed forces is an integral part of Chinese modernization. What arrangements will the PLA make to implement the outcomes of the session?

Zhang Xiaogang: The 20th CPC Central Committee convened its third plenary session in Beijing from July 15 to 18. At the session, the Central Committee listened to and discussed the report on the work of the Political Bureau (Politburo) presented by President Xi Jinping on behalf of the Politburo. The Central Committee gave full recognition to the work done by the Politburo since its second plenary session, deliberated and adopted the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization, which made overall arrangements for achieving Chinese modernization through further deepening comprehensive reform.

It was proposed at the meeting that modernizing national defense and the armed forces is an integral part of Chinese modernization. We must maintain the Party’s absolute leadership over the people's armed forces, and fully implement the strategy of strengthening the military through reform, so as to provide a strong guarantee for realizing the centenary goal of the PLA in 2027 and achieving basic modernization of national defense and the armed forces. We must refine the leadership and management system of the people's military, further reform the joint operations system, and deepen cross-sector military-civilian reforms.

Senior Colonel Zhang Xiaogang, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense (MND) of the People's Republic of China (PRC), answers reporters' questions at a regular press conference on the afternoon of July 25, 2024. (mod.gov.cn/Photo by Sun Yue)

A strong country is built upon a strong military, and a strong military is built through reform. Deepening national defense and military reform is a prerequisite for realizing national rejuvenation and building a strong military in the new era. It is also the sure path to take for strengthening the armed forces, critical for the future of China’s armed forces. For now and for the near future, to study and act on the outcomes of the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will be a major political task for the Party, the country and the military .

The military will thoroughly study, internalize and implement the content and essence of President Xi's important speech and the plenary session. We will align our thoughts and actions with the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and President Xi. The Chinese military will unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, gain a better understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We will strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; and stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will uphold Comrade Xi Jinping's core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership, and implement the CMC chairman responsibility system. The military will adapt to new circumstances and tackle new problems through reform and innovation, and unwaveringly see the reform through. We will resolutely fulfill the mission of the people's military for the new era to provide strong strategic support for building a strong nation and rejuvenating the country through Chinese modernization.

Question: It is reported that the Chinese and Lao militaries held the Friendship Shield-2024 joint exercise in Laos in early to mid-July. Please share with us more details about the exercise and its highlights.

Zhang Xiaogang: The Chinese and Lao militaries held Exercise Friendship Shield-2024 at the Kommadam Academy in Laos from July 5 to 18. This is the second Friendship Shield exercise held by the two militaries. There are three points to highlight. Firstly, joint planning and command. The two sides set up a joint directing panel and a joint command post to explore structures of joint command units and procedures of joint command and control. Secondly, coordination among different services. Detachments of helicopters and joint logistics support force participated in the exercise. The goal was to improve coordination among services to enhance operational capabilities of the joint task force. Thirdly, friendly interactions and exchanges. Chinese and Lao medical teams provided medical service to local residents. Participating officers and soldiers carried out cultural and sports activities such as tug-of-war and football games. These interactions deepened mutual understanding and friendship between the two sides.

Connected by the same mountains and rivers, China and Laos always help and support each other. The Chinese military is ready to work with the Lao side to thoroughly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two parties and two countries, step up substantive defense and security cooperation in areas including joint exercises and training, and contribute to the building of a China-Laos community with a shared future.

Question: Recently, several foreign media outlets reported that China's third aircraft carrier, PLANS Fujian, conducted its third sea trial this month. Can you confirm? What are the subjects of the recent sea trial?

Zhang Xiaogang: It's a regular arrangement for an aircraft carrier to conduct relevant trials during its construction. Follow-up tests of PLANS Fujian will be carried out based on the process of its construction.

Question: It's reported by foreign media that the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) recently conducted a joint exercise with Taiwan's Coast Guard Administration (CGA). It's said that the exercise was a response to the current situation in the South and East China Sea. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: We are strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to Japan’s joint maritime exercise with China's Taiwan region. We urge the Japanese side to adhere to the "one-China" principle and the spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan, correct its wrongdoing and do not support "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in any form, thus prevent undermining cross-Strait peace and stability and China-Japan relations.

Question: Recently, the admission of high school graduates by military academies is ongoing across China. Military academies have long been a popular choice among students. Could you provide an update on the admission of military academies for this year?

Zhang Xiaogang: Up to now, military academies across China have completed their early admission cycle. More than 17,000 students are officially admitted, and they will soon begin their military career. This year, a total of over 50,000 examinees from 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China participated in the military health examination. In general, the quality of students applying for military academies has steadily improved. The average examination scores of admitted students are 90.2 points higher than the thresholds for first-tier civilian universities or special-type enrollment in the same provinces. The completion rate of admission plans reaches 99.97%. 99.2% of the students are admitted by the school of their first choice. All these figures are record highs. Military academies are more favored by students compared to previous years. For example, the number of students admitted to military schools from Qianshan Yezhai Middle School in Anhui Province increased from 20 last year to 51 this year, with an average score of 603.5.

These young men and women will soon start writing memorable chapters of their lives in the military. We warmly welcome all the students who are about to join military academies. This is the starting point of your military career, and a furnace to temper your willpower and characters. Here, you will grow into a service member with ironclad faith and courage. Let your youth shine brightly on the grand new journey of building a strong military.

Question: It's reported that the US Navy will deploy F-35C fighters to Japan for the first time. The fighters will be based on USS George Washington aircraft carrier. In addition, the US Air Force is set to replace F-16 fighters of the US Forces Japan with F-35A fighters. Some analysts believe that this move is targeted at China and Russia, and the goal is to maintain America's air superiority. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: We have noted relevant reports. The US side in recent years has kept advancing its forward military deployment in the Asia Pacific region. Such move undermines the security interests of other countries and heightens regional tensions. We are firmly opposed to such deployment. We hope the US side could abandon the outdated Cold War mentality and narrow geopolitical mindset, and do more things conducive to global and regional peace and stability.

Question: Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba is visiting China, while close cooperation between Chinese and Russian militaries remains a concern for the Ukrainian side. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: China's position on the Ukraine issue is consistent and clear. We maintain an objective and impartial position, and have worked hard to promote talks for peace. We will continue to play a constructive role.

Question: I have two questions. First, the US Coast Guard issued a press release on its website on July 10, stating that it had spotted multiple Chinese military vessels in the waters near Alaska for two days in a row. Can you confirm? Secondly, Philippine media reported that the coast guards of the Philippines and Vietnam were in talks to hold their first joint exercise in early August, so as to respond to China's "increasingly aggressive" actions in the South China Sea. What's your comment?

Zhang Xiaogang: On your first question, this was a routine training conducted by Chinese military vessels in accordance with the annual training program. It conformed to international law and practices. It was aimed at improving and testing our combat readiness, and did not target any specific country or entity. The Chinese side will continue to carry out similar far-sea training to improve the troops' capability in fulfilling their missions.

On your second question, we always advocate that military cooperation between relevant countries should not target any third party or harm the interests of any third party, nor should it undermine mutual trust between regional countries or regional peace and stability.

Zhang Xiaogang: In a couple of days, we are going to celebrate the 97th anniversary of the founding of the PLA. Here I'd like to say Happy Army Day to all service members.

This concludes today's press conference. Thank you!
